You are not enough. I am not enough. No one is.
Wow, okay Kaitlyn. That’s a harsh way to start a blog post!
It’s true though. I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of the ideology which is rampant in our culture today that says you have all you need inside yourself. It’s the messages that say you can do it all on your own. If you just believe in yourself more… if you just search deeper inside yourself… if you just speak positive affirmations over yourself.
These self-focused messages are EVERYWHERE we turn. I can pull up social media at any point to find posts with messages saying:
“Believe in yourself, and you can do anything.”
“You are capable.”
“You are worthy.”
“You possess everything you need inside yourself.”
So, why is this so wrong?
Because these ideas take God completely out of the equation. The messages that are instilled into the thoughts and minds reading them is that God is not needed. And that we are enough completely on our own. Hear me out on this. This is super, super dangerous territory. It is a self-love ideology that completely goes against God and his Word, and it should not be taken lightly.
At this point, you might be feeling a bit depressed and thinking, But I love all those pretty, feel-good graphics on social media! I hear you. And I once did too. But we have to be so careful. I tell you this blunt and honest truth because I care. I truly care about the lies we are constantly taking in and how it will affect the next generation.
The belief that we alone are enough leaves no room for God.
Instead, it teaches we are fully in control of ourselves and our lives. We are our own lords. But the truth is, we were not created to rule our own lives. We were created with a void- a void that only God can meet. And we were created to depend on the Lord and to depend on others.
The belief that we alone are enough leaves no room for God. Instead, it teaches we are fully in control of ourselves and our lives. We are our own lords. But the truth is, we were not created to rule our own lives. We were created with a void- a void that only God can meet. And we were created to depend on the Lord and to depend on others.
Philippians 4:13 states, “For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” Notice this verse doesn’t say, “For I can do everything in my own strength.” No, it’s through Jesus alone that we have strength to do anything.
The quotes that say “you are enough” may appeal to your ego and make you feel good for a second. You might read them and think (as I often do) “Yeah! That’s right. I am enough!” Or, “I’m a great person. The problem is that I just don’t believe in myself enough!”
But the feeling those statements provoke have nothing to stand on. They’re empty words.
When we feel like we’re not enough, it’s because we’re not.
We are human, and we are weak. We all fail daily, and we all have shortcomings and insecurities. But this is actually good news! We’re not supposed to be enough. Thankfully, we have Jesus to fill us up where we fall short. We are enough in him and through him only.
So, we know we’re not enough. But that doesn’t mean we aren’t worthy of love and respect. I’m all for empowerment, but empowerment through God, right? We go to God to find love and respect. He alone calls us worthy, and He alone says we are loved. So much so, that He died for us!
Take these encouraging words to heart from John 3:16, “For this is how God loved the world (YOU!): He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”
Everything we see and hear should be filtered through God’s Word. Discernment is of upmost importance in our world today. Instead of filling our minds with feel-good words that have nothing to stand on, let’s fill our minds with encouragement from Scripture! Let’s put our stock in who God says we are, not from a social media quote.
You are not enough. I am not enough. But in Christ, we are MORE than enough!
Thank you so much for your beautiful truth filled words of encouragement! Living in this truth is so freeing! I am so thankful to Jesus that I am not enough and that he is enough. This allows us to depend on him and truly receive the fulfillment our hearts need! Thanks so much for sharing!
Nikki, it truly is so freeing! Thank you so much for reading and being a part of this community.
Amen! I’ve been thinking about this very thing lately. You articulated it so well!
Thank you so much Whitney. I’m glad it resonated with you!