Does the word loneliness ring true with you right now?
Disappointment maybe?
Or unmet expectations?
I just want you to know that I’m with you.
My eyes open at the sound of my baby whimpering. I breathe deep, roll out of bed, head downstairs, and mix the bottle. I scoop my baby into my arms as he looks up at me—longing—with his little hands raised high. Then, I satisfy him with a meal, change his diaper, and sit him down, hoping for a few minutes to change clothes myself, splash some water on my face, and grab some coffee.
And so, the “sleep, eat, play” cycle begins and repeats itself all day. If it’s a good day, I may find a small window of time to wash clothes, clean up a bit, or run some errands. But I may not. I may find myself in my sweats with a messy house and no dinner cooked, tending to my baby all day.
This is Motherhood, and this is where I am right now. It’s a good life, but it can often get lonely.
Maybe for you, it’s going off to college for the first time… Breaking up with a boyfriend… Moving… Changing jobs… Experiencing the loss of a loved one… A change in family dynamics, etc.
These circumstances have the potential to bring about great loneliness into our lives.
Is it really possible to find God in these moments… when we feel a void? Uncertainty? Disconnection?
Exodus 33:14 reminds us that it is! Moses asked God to guide him and not leave him alone, and the Lord replied, “My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.”
And then He led the people to a new place, and He was with them
every step of the way.
Just as the Lord led Moses, His presence goes with each one of us always too! Every moment of every day.
He never leaves us to do this life alone. He is with us, and He surrounds us with people who are right there with us as well.
So, if you’re stuck and can relate to this loneliness as I described above, I want to encourage you to call out to the Lord today, and reach out to your community of people that He’s given you.
The same Lord that guided Moses in Exodus is guiding us today!
What a good reminder our Father is with us even when He can’t feel His presence.
Yes, absolutely. 🙂