On Hearing God’s Voice Above the Noise

It was completely silent in our living room, but I still couldn’t even hear my husband’s voice when he was talking to me. My mind was loud. Noise. Messages. Images. Netflix. Social Media. Ideas. News. Information. INFORMATION. I N F O R M A T I O N!  Stifling all...

Hope in Uncertain Times

You know when you’re on vacation at the beach and there’s nowhere to be except to just BE? Long walks, cooking, reading, porch sitting, people watching, puzzle making, and chatting with neighbors. In that sense, this life lately has felt similar, and I’m soaking it...

Your Reflect & Look Ahead Guide

Download your Reflect & Look Ahead guide HereDownload I don’t like the word resolution this time of year because it is usually followed by feelings of pressure, fear, and guilt. Pressure to succeed in the area you chose, fear that you might not reach your goal,...

Letter to our Little

I woke up that morning early and knew something wasn’t right. I was dizzy with a hot sweat running from my head to my toes. I ran to the bathroom sick. I checked my temperature, but no fever. My mouth froze open in disbelief with my hand clasped over it. Tears...