by Kaitlyn Fiedler | FAITH, MOTHERHOOD
My two- year-old son is the cautious type. He’s reluctant to go places he’s never been before, and he’s hesitant to do something he hasn’t done before. It’s a rainy Spring day, and I decide that, even though it’s wet, we should have some outdoor play time. I set up a...
by Kaitlyn Fiedler | FAITH
Expectant. My word of focus for this year (2022) that God brought to my mind is expectant. This word excites me but also scares me. It feels risky to profess this word. I think it’s because this word implies trust. Being expectant of God means we are trusting (hopeful...
The most important hour is always the present. The most significant person is precisely the one sitting across from you right now. Meister Eckhart For the past two years, my word that I focused on was PRESENT. The interest in this word was born out of a desire I had...
by Kaitlyn Fiedler | FAITH
As promised, here is Part 2 of He is where the JOY is! – HOW TO CULTIVATE A JOY-FILLED RELATIONSHIP WITH THE LORD – Have you ever wondered how you can have joy when life is hard? Have you longed for a foundation rooted in the Lord that is not dependent on...
by Kaitlyn Fiedler | FAITH
He is where the JOY is! He is our source. He is our life. Where do you turn when it feels like the weight of the world is crashing down on you? When life seems hopeless? I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit;...